Buckeye Faythful

Buckeye Faythful
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  • 1) T.H.E Ohio State University

Monday, December 3, 2007

Assignment #1 Miles

Something that concerns me in the world we live in today is the fact that people have such little respect for life. I believe as your world continues to evolve that grow you find new and fast ways to kill each other. Even though we have better and fast methods to find out who kill or murdered someone, people still find better and faster ways to kill. Its a sad time in the world when an innocent person loses their life because of the little value for life some people have.

“Louis” my friend has probably one of the most dynamic and lively personalities I know. The reason why “Louis” personality is so dynamic is because it’s always full of life and “Louis” is always up for anything fun and exciting. When you're in a room with “Louis” very rarely will “Louis” not be the life of the room. “Louis” personality just cares this presence that just makes you feel good and happy to be around.

I don’t have one specific piece of art that was greatly inspired me. So many different things have lead to the inspiration of other things. That naming one would be an injustice to the other thing that inspired me to be inspired by that specific piece of writing. But I’ll tell you though about a book that I read last year called The Color of Water by: James McBride. This book taught me a lot about self worth, dreams, and the meaning of have a true family. I also learned about how people think that they are so different but we are acutely a lot like in our dream and aspirations. I feel that the world has so much potential to be a great place for people to live. But the growing lack of love for one another is leading us to a point where mankind will destroy and kill everything. I dream that some day that people will see each other as the color of water. Because water has no color we can finally be at peace with one another. Maybe some day that aspiration with come true and maybe it’s a better thing that it doesn’t I really don’t know. I wondered about how we can achieve self worth if we have nothing to compare ourselves to. I enjoyed how James McBride mixed all these ideas in The Color of Water.


tcarr said...

That is true, Sean Taylor for instance. All that tallent and greatness erased for a stupid robery. Sad.

Mr. Miles said...

Sounds like a good book! And best of all, I'm teaching it after break, so I will be able to read it myself.

Now I present a diversion (momentarily only, but it does connect). One book that was really powerful to me was INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF A SLAVE GIRL, by Harriet Jacobs. This is a true story written by a woman who escaped slavery. It is fascinating because it gives an insider's look into slavery in America.

Now, where I'm going with this is that in the South, the mindset was so bizarre. It was okay, for example, for a minister to have children with a slave because the salve was not seen as a person. It was adultery, but because it was a slave, it was socially acceptable. And this was just the tip of the iceberg of what people in the South thought.

The big observation for me after reading this book is that when utter nonsense and illogical thinking reigns, what does that do to a culture? What does that do to people's abilities to think and reason (and then change things that are wrong).

I fear that we now live in a culture where "lack of love" is becoming common place, where it is integrated into our ways of thinking.

We are becoming more educated in many ways, which is a BIG step toward ending discrimination, inequalities in systems/institutions, etc., but I do fear that we are losing sight of some of the important things, like loving one another.

We spread violence and aggression through music, through television, and film. We promote in our society a lot of notions that lead to people feeling unloved, unwanted, which creates more violence and aggression. For example, movies promote violence and drugs, which then gets copied by people. What happens when a child then grows up feeling unloved because Mom is in prison, or Dad is drunk all the time, or Auntie is focused on herself, or violence is all around him/her?

I hope this all makes sense. I could write for hours trying to form a complete arguement. :)