Buckeye Faythful

Buckeye Faythful
Scarlet'n'Gray Nation

Eric's AP Poll

  • 1) T.H.E Ohio State University

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Assignment 5

Final First Lines

  1. “A stranger that I never said a word to how? How can a stranger make me lose sleep night after night? How can the actions of a stranger keep me up hour on end replaying in my mind?”

  1. “The tears began rolling down my eyes and even at that point I wasn’t able to say thank you.”

  1. Some days I still and let the action of my life replay over and over in my mind I ask myself how could you be such a God damn ass that you could even take the time to say two simple words to another human begin. Who was only showing you compassion?

  1. Every day we wake thinking nothing bad could ever happen to us today. Well nothing bad did happen to me that day. But it still-hunts me to this day and ever walking moment I suffer because of it.

  1. I sit here in front of you today asking for your forgiveness. I need your forgiveness before I can feel that I’ve said goodbye.

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