Buckeye Faythful

Buckeye Faythful
Scarlet'n'Gray Nation

Eric's AP Poll

  • 1) T.H.E Ohio State University

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assignment 6: Fear Questions

Fear Questions:1. Do you like to be scared? Why or why not? In what settings are you okay with being frightened?

· Ha, if anyone can find someone in planet Earth that likes begin scared then I would be pretty amazed. To answer the question do I like to be scared the answer is No I sure do not like begin scared. Because the feeling you get isn’t a pleasant feeling at all. I enjoy going to scare movies just to be scared and get that adrenaline rush. Another place I enjoy begin scared are haunted house rides and amusement parks.

2. What scares you? Are there things you fear? Are there things in our world you consider horrific? These do not have to be about ghosts or monsters. (One of Stephen King's bestselling horror novels was about a dog.) Perhaps you are afraid to ski or afraid of snakes. Maybe you hate being alone in your house at night. Maybe you are afraid of big cities. Where do your fears come from? Are you more scared by blood and guts terror or by subtle the possibility of something horrible happening?

· Not having full control or understanding over a situation where i know that i should be able to change or stop the feeling I’m getting. By that I mean like getting lost where you don’t know where to go and don’t have an understanding of the situation or make it stop when you want. A lot of things also scare me the common things that scare many people. I fear losing my brother or sister in a public place and never finding them. There are so many thing in this world that I can consider horrific maybe its because i don’t understand the entire situation. Right now i think its pretty horrific what’s happening to the child in Iraq where they have to live in fear every day wondering weather today might be the day that they are killed. I couldn’t imagine that feeling where every morning you wonder weather your even going to make it to school and back. Or weather your parents are going to be home later. Living in the fear of death has to be one of the most horrific things happening in this world. Many of our fears come from not understanding what is truly happening or having a previous perception of something that was completely wrong so you live in fear of it until you final understand what it that you fear.
3. What, in your opinion, is a good definition for madness? What would a person have to do to be considered "mad" by you?

· Eric M. Wangongu’s Definition of madness: A point of insanity that has gone past just begin mad. People reach madness when they finally snap over from being mad.
· A mad person is a person who has just lost it. Common sense isn’t common for them anymore. The things they do just don’t connect with the things you would expect out of the normal person. People who just do crazy things that make people question what they might be thinking. Not normal kind of crazy like someone jumping into a frozen lake without clothing, but that other kind of crazy they kind of crazy that you find in an insane asylum. Those people who shot up schools i.e. that V-Tech shooter was a “mad” man.

4. Poe writes about a man driven to madness. What drives people to madness today in your opinion? How does someone go from seemingly normal to insane (at least temporarily)?

· I really have no idea what drives people do madness its something that is so different for so many people. People just worry about to many things that don’t really matter so they are driven mad by those things. By worrying to much about things they think mean everything when they actually mean nothing.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Assignment 5

Final First Lines

  1. “A stranger that I never said a word to how? How can a stranger make me lose sleep night after night? How can the actions of a stranger keep me up hour on end replaying in my mind?”

  1. “The tears began rolling down my eyes and even at that point I wasn’t able to say thank you.”

  1. Some days I still and let the action of my life replay over and over in my mind I ask myself how could you be such a God damn ass that you could even take the time to say two simple words to another human begin. Who was only showing you compassion?

  1. Every day we wake thinking nothing bad could ever happen to us today. Well nothing bad did happen to me that day. But it still-hunts me to this day and ever walking moment I suffer because of it.

  1. I sit here in front of you today asking for your forgiveness. I need your forgiveness before I can feel that I’ve said goodbye.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Assignment #4

Task One
a) The reason that it’s important is because she feels alone all the time even when her family is home. This creep old drunk man shows up at her house, and he knows everything about her life and family. At this point Connie really wants her family around her to save her from this man how is trying to rape her. It’s Irony at its fullest.
b) What draws in readers to Connie is the way to takes in everything. As a reader you feel as tho everything she does she feels as if nothing could ever happen to her. So we as the read can tell that something is going to happen to this beautiful young girl. Because of the decision she makes. I do think that she does represent something in our society where people feel like nothing could ever happen to them so they continually make dumb decisions. Connie represent the naivety of our young youth group who something need s slap in this face to realize that we live in an extremely dangerous world.
c) I think the author is trying to address mental security and understand what could happen to you when you try and keep a naive mind about things that might happen to you.
d) I don't think understand why this would appeal to anyone because i almost stop reading it. I don't think i would have read this story ever. I didn't like the way the author changed the story towards the middle and how it end or came to a climax. The hook and start of this short story was great but the middle and end were not appealing at all.
e) shes raped then murdered or she runs away and later kills she because she wasn't able to deal with what had happened and didn't want any help because she felt worthless to the world.
f) what? what do you mean how do you explain the actions of the male antagonist? I don't where are are supposed to take this question when we answer it. Thats the kind of person he is because of what might have happened to him in his past. The Crap of the human race the group of people that are absolutely worthless. The reason why hes important is because he adds to evil side to the story. I'm not going to lie this story sucked and I'd never recommended anyone to ever read it.

Task Two
1. Story- The story line means everything and is what draws people in
2. Characters- Characters that people can relate to help people enjoy the story more.
3. Plot Line- The Flow of the story. It needs to make scene to the reader so they don't feel lost and confused while they read the story unless you have a great twist to the story.
4. Theme- The message is everything and is what the reader will always remember
5.Setting- This ties in with Relation. Reader need to be able to relate to the setting and the setting need to help enhance the story line.
6.Point of View- To help the reader understand what is happening
7. Relation- You have to able to connect to the stroy
8. ?
9.Genre- It depends no who you are and what you really enjoy reading
10. Length- Can't to be long then readers lose interest